After Dawn

by Karly Kirkpatrick
Book 3 of the Into the Shadows Trilogy
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Paivi Anderson has lost everything. It's time for her to fight for her life. Her fate will depend on controlling her newfound powers. Any mistakes could lead to disaster not just for her, but for everyone she loves. 

...Dr. Todesengel...really? I mean...REALLY?? D: No offense, but that was horrible - and me as a German reader, I may say that. To quote my dear Friend Jules  
>>For me as a german that is just is like naming a villain "Herr Verybadperson" or "Frau Dr. Ikillpeople" in a german book.<<
Yeah, I totally agree...

Well, now to the main point. If I look back on book one, that was about a rather normal school girl (her powers aside), a bit of a love story and then shit going to hell with the ATC - the books changed a lot during the trilogy. Book two got a bit more violent, but was cool because of the trainings and the Monks etc. Which reminds me...where were the monks at the end of book 3?

Book 3 is full war. It is violent (Paivi turned partly to the dark side in this book. There were many "bloody" scenes with her.), it is desperate (it is too short again), but what is the worst - it is partly unbelievable. Weren't the kids described as being around age 14? I hardly can imagine a "kid" to take so much responsibility and stress. So in my imagination I had the characters aged at least 17, if not older.

Only 3 stars for this one. I liked the previous books way more. If there would have been more content, I think it might have rated better from me. But everything went by way too fast.


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